(720) 885-2006

Ink Revoke, LLC Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy

Here at Ink Revoke, your privacy is important to us. We’re proving this notice to better protect your privacy, and to explain our online information practices, and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. By agreeing to these policies, you’re agreeing to use our website in a way that leads to you providing us with personal information such as names, phone numbers and emails.

State law and accompanying rights

Please understand that you may have additional rights coming from the state laws where you live. These state-based rights may augment, strengthen or compliment any privacy rights you have inherently, or under Federal law. We tend to fully comply with the privacy policies of every jurisdiction in which we operate. Please use our contact information to reach us at anytime if you wish to assert any State rights.

Our commitment to children’s privacy

It is especially important to us to protect the privacy of minors. For that reason, our website will never collect, maintain or store any information at our website from those we actually know are under 18. Additionally, no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 18.

Under our conditions of use and terms of service, children under 18 are not allowed to use our website, or seek our services without being accompanied by an adult. It is not our intention to offer services to minors.

Collection of personal information

When accessing our website, the IP address used to access our website may be logged along with the dates and times of access. This information is only used to track user movement, analyze trends and gather information for internal use such as website improvement and statistical assessments. Most importantly, no recorded IP addresses are linked to personal identifiable information.

Ink Revoke, LLC may collect other information as well, which is rather typical for most websites. For example, sometimes the source that referred you to our website is known. Likewise, your duration on our website can also be tracked. Again, this is common data collection, and ultimately helps produce a better user experience.

Another common internet practice is the use of cookies. Cookies are used to improve user experience by allowing us to customize your use of our website. Simple information is transferred to your computer to allow the content at https://www.inkrevoke.com/ to reflect your preferences. You should note that you are free to make adjustments to your web browser to disable these cookies, or otherwise receive notification of cookies so you can make actions however you choose.

At times, you will be fully aware of information received, as you are the direct source providing it. For example, you may reply to an email, comment on a blog post, fill out a contact form, provide an email address, phone numbers or otherwise. Refusing to provide some of this information may lead to us being unable to provide you with the services you’ve requested.

Handling of personal information

Our primary intention for collecting private and personal information from you is simply to conduct our business. We can use this information internally to better serve you as a patient. We see no reason to share your personal information to other parties, unless you have authorized us to do so. There are instances where your information is stored with third party service providers, such as email service providers, as they provide services that are leading in quality and security and are much more beneficial to our end user than attempting these services in house. However, you are never required to deal with a third party directly, they are limited in how they use your information, and they cannot transfer or sell it to others in any way.

There may be instances where we need to share your private information in order to protect our own interests. For example, in cases of suspected or alleged copyright infringement, or other intellectual property violations, it may be necessary to share personal information.

Links to third party websites

We include links on this website for the purposes of reference. We are not responsible for the privacy policies of these websites. Please be aware that the privacy policies of these websites will differ from our own.

If you have any questions regarding our privacy page, please use our contact information below:

Ink Revoke, LLC