Ink Revoke uses the absolute BEST laser technology to safely and effectively erase your tattoo, or fade it fast to facilitate a new cover-up.
While some clinics are still using outdated equipment, we’ve invested in the safest, most powerful technology money can buy.
We use TWO Quanta Lasers, which allows us to remove or fade ANY tattoo in 2024.
What does this mean for you?
ALL removeable color, ALL depths of ink, ALL skin types. This is the best combination for laser tattoo removal, period.
We strongly encourage you to read this page and watch the videos below to learn why Ink Revoke is your best choice in Colorado.

Our Tattoo Laser Technology
Ink Revoke invests in the best technology to produce stunning results for our patients. The new Quanta Evo Laser is hand built in Italy, and cleared by the FDA to remove a wide spectrum of ink colors, on all skin types.
Quanta is the only device on the market that delivers laser energy evenly. All other lasers (even Pico devices) use a circular beam, whereas our Quanta uses a square beam. The benefit of the square beam is that skin damage is avoided because it stacks pulses precisely and evenly. Circular beams overlap, damaging the skin.
Beware of other clinics over promising and under delivering with Pico lasers. The verdict is out on these devices, and they’re NOT removing tattoos any faster than the proven Quanta Laser. Here is scientific and real world proof:
Conclusion to the following scientific study:
Picosecond vs Nanosecond Technology for Tattoo Removal
In conclusion, the published literature and our preliminary results seem to indicate that current “picosecond” lasers are not expected to have a significantly better tattoo clearance effect in comparison with the “gold standard” Q-switched nanosecond tattoo lasers. Taking into account also the current technology limitations of picosecond lasers, it is our opinion that top-of-the-line Q-switched nanosecond lasers will remain the devices of choice for tattoo removal.
Benefits of Quanta
Below are the 5 key benefits of the Quanta Laser. These aspects are worth pointing out, because it’s what truly sets Ink Revoke apart from our competitors.
- All 3 true laser wavelengths (1064, 532, 694) – All colors removed
- FDA Cleared, #1 in power – Faster removals
- Flat top optibeam technology – Best skin protection
- Square laser beams – Less down time
- Even energy application – Safe for all skin types

Amazing Power
Most lasers on the market don’t have the power to penetrate deep enough into your skin to fully remove the ink.
Our Quanta is cleared by the FDA, and designed to shatter your ink into tiny particles for your body to remove naturally between treatments.
Since it targets only your ink, results are achieved faster, safer and more efficiently.
All Colors Removed
The Quanta Evo is the ONLY laser on the market that can fade and remove all colors.
With three true-laser wavelengths (532nm, 694nm, 1064nm) the Q-Plus EVO can treat the largest array of tattoo ink colors, including black, red, yellow, purple, green and blues, even the notorious tough-to-treat light blue.
Best Skin Protection
Another advantage with the Quanta laser is the square beam technology in the hand pieces.
Square beams give us much greater control over the amount of treatment your skin receives.
Older, more traditional lasers deliver energy in circle beams, which cause overlap in an effort to fully cover the entire area of the tattoo being treated.

Minimum Discomfort
Ink Revoke also uses the Zimmer Cryo 6 skin chiller to cool and numb your skin, providing you with the most comfortable experience possible.
The Zimmer Chiller blows cold air on your skin before, during and after each treatment. The chilling effect dramatically reduces discomfort, and Ink Revoke patients rave about how much of a difference it makes.
The Zimmer also allows us to use higher laser energy to safely penetrate the deepest layers of ink. This ultimately results in faster fading and fewer sessions.